Skills Development

Priority Element

If a company do not score a minimum of 40% of the total Skills Development score, they will be Discounted by 1 B-BBEE Level on the Overall B-BBEE Certificate Level obtained at Verification.

Important to remember:

  • Companies need to have a Workplace Skills Plan in place and registered with the relevant SETA. If there is no WSP then no Skills Development will be considered for Verification.
  • Skills Development is measured on what was done within the previous Financial Year.

Generic Entities

  • Generic Entities (R50 mil turnover) need to spend 6% of Leviable amount (Payroll) on Black people skills development according to the Economic Active Population figures (EAP).
  • The 6% spend is divided into 3.5% on Skills spend and 2.5% on Bursaries.
  • Generic Entities need to spend 0.30% of the 3.5% on Disabled Black people.
  • Generic Entities need to do Learneships as part of the Skills Development Scorecard. 5% of Total staff count, taking EAP figures into account.

Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE)

  • QSE Entities (turnover R 10 Mil – R 49 Mil) need to spend 3% of Leviable amount (Payroll) on Skills Development for Black people.
  • They do not need to look at the EAP figures.
  • QSE Entities do not need to do Learnerships.