Enterprise and Supplier Development, Including Preferential Procurement, are one PRIORITY ELEMENT

Important to remember:

  • How has my company assisted 51% -100% Black Owned Entities to enhance their business …
  • Enterprise and Supplier Development is measured on contributions that were made in the previous financial year.
  • For Supplier Development, the beneficiary needs to be an existing Supplier.
  • For Enterprise Development, the beneficiary can not be an existing Supplier

Generic Entities:

  • The target to obtain full points for Supplier Development is 2% of Net Profit After Tax
  • The target to obtain full points for Enterprise Development is 1% of Net Profit After Tax

Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE):

  • The target to obtain full points for Supplier Development is 1% of Net Profit After-tax
  • The target to obtain full points for Enterprise Development is 1% of Net Profit After Tax

Preferential Procurement:

Preferential Procurement is basically all your suppliers- who do you buy from? The Preferential Procurement Element is looking at the total expenditure with suppliers that are B-BBEE Compliant during YOUR financial year. This is with all suppliers- if they are Exempt Micro Enterprises, Qualifying Small Enterprises as well as Generic Enterprises. Procurement recognition Levels are taken into account with points allocation relevant to specific targets.